Being a referee is one of the best things that soccer players and parents can do. You can help out your club, improve your knowledge of the game, and earn some spare change too. More youth and adult referees are needed, especially adult referees. Games are self-assigned based on your ability and availability.

The refereeing has many advantages human, administrative and financial :

  • The costs of training and the equipment of the new referee are taken care by our club which assures also a support throughout the season.
  • A financial compensation is perceived on every meeting (minimum 70 € for a match in Young people, 80€ for a match in Seniors).
  • More fundamental one on your C.V. within the framework of a job search or of an internship.
  • Refereeing is very healthy (To reach your potential as a referee, you must eat right and train around your games).
  • Refereeing helps you in human relationships (After successfully managing a game with 22 players).