A soccer referee is a sportsman who participates in the progress of an encounter of this sport. He is a specialist of the Laws of the game and responsible for enforcing the Laws of the game during the course of a match, asked to watch their application to assure the safety of the players and the regularity of the competition.

I choose this subject because I’m a soccer referee in Paris for 4 years. Last year, I finished my year of top-ranking refereeing of the Parisian referees and grace it I was able to arbitrate finale of the cup.

If you want to become a soccer referee  all candidates must first complete the free online FFA Laws of the Game (LOTG) Certificate. This provides you with the basic introduction needed and gives you a better understanding of the laws of football. Even if you don’t want to become a referee, this free online course will help you explain why a free kick was given on the weekend.

Once you successfully complete a referee course and register with the USSF, you will receive your badge and will need to get appropriate referee gear, including a soccer referee uniform, soccer referee flags, referee cards, whistle, watch and shoes.